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Thursday 1 April 2010

Bolingbroke(n) Hospital

So Ed Balls, Secretary of State for Children, says 'he will do all he can to help' convert the Old Bolingbroke Hospital into a desperately needed new Secondary School in Battersea.

He has written to Wandsworth Council saying he will be happy to 'work with you' to see whether a school on the Bolingbroke site 'offers a better solution' than the proposed ante-natal and GP centre.

There's a commitment then.

1 comment:

  1. Words are cheap and from a Government Minister...

    Where have they been for the past few years ? Why is it that this is only of interest at the time of a General election ?

    In my view this can only effectively be pursued by a 'local' MP focused on the task for the long haul rather than a 'seagull' taking instructions from their party (tribe).
